NT 61K588
আন্তর্জাতিক শিক্ষার্থীদের সম্পূর্ণ বিনা মূল্যে স্নাতকোত্তর ও পিএইচডি প্রোগ্রামে অধ্যয়নের সুযোগ দিচ্ছে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের হাওয়াই বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়।
এই বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় বিদেশি শিক্ষার্থীদের বৃত্তি ও ফেলোশিপ দেয়। এ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় দেবে ফেলোশিপ। এ ফেলোশিপের নাম ‘ইস্ট-ওয়েস্ট সেন্টার গ্র্যাজুয়েট ডিগ্রি ফেলোশিপ’। এ বৃত্তির অর্থায়ন করবে এডিবি। ২০২৪-২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষে আন্তর্জাতিক শিক্ষার্থীদের সম্পূর্ণ বিনা মূল্যে স্নাতকোত্তর ও পিএইচডি প্রোগ্রামে অধ্যয়নের সুযোগ দিচ্ছে হাওয়াই বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়। বাংলাদেশসহ বিশ্বের ৫৩টি দেশের শিক্ষার্থীরা আবেদন করতে পারবেন। আবেদন গ্রহণ শুরু হবে ১ আগস্ট থেকে। আগামী ১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত আবেদন করা যাবে। এ ফেলোশিপে কোনো আবেদন ফি নেই।

- স্নাতকোত্তর ডিগ্রি এবং ডক্টরাল ডিগ্রির জন্য মিলবে পূর্ণ সময়ের টিউশন ফি;
- আবাসন ব্যবস্থা;
- খাদ্য এবং আনুষঙ্গিক খরচ মেটানোর জন্য থাকবে আংশিক উপবৃত্তি;
- বই এবং অন্য শিক্ষা উপকরণ ক্রয়ের ভাতা;
- স্বাস্থ্য বীমা।
- উচ্চতর একাডেমিক রেকর্ডসহ স্নাতক বা তার সমতুল্য ডিগ্রি;
- ইংরেজি ভাষায় দক্ষ হতে হবে;
- প্রোগ্রামটি শেষ করে দেশে ফিরে যেতে সম্মত থাকতে হবে।
আবেদন প্রক্রিয়া
আনলাইনে আবেদন করতে এবং বিস্তারিত জানতে ক্লিক করুন।
সূত্র: prothomalo
What is USA Fellowship for International students?
According to google, The USA Fellowship for International Students offers an exceptional opportunity for talented individuals from around the world to study, conduct research, and advance their careers in the United States. This type of fellowship is typically funded by universities, foundations, or government bodies, and it is designed to foster global collaboration and knowledge exchange. Fellowships provide financial support for tuition, travel, research costs, and often a stipend for living expenses, making it feasible for international students to focus entirely on their studies or projects without financial stress.
Fellowships in the U.S. often target specific areas of study, professional expertise, or research interests. For example, some are aimed at fields like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), while others focus on social sciences, arts, humanities, or public policy. Fellowships like the Fulbright Program, for instance, are renowned for supporting international students and professionals who wish to bring unique perspectives to their research and studies in the United States. With fellowships like these, applicants gain not only financial assistance but also access to a network of professionals and alumni who can provide mentorship and open doors to global career opportunities.
The selection process for USA fellowships is generally rigorous, as they seek candidates who show academic excellence, leadership potential, and a clear vision for how their time in the United States will contribute to their career goals and the welfare of their home countries. The application process usually includes a combination of academic transcripts, recommendation letters, personal essays, and interviews. Successful applicants demonstrate a strong commitment to their fields and often show potential for positive global impact.
Once accepted, fellowship recipients enter an immersive experience where they engage in their fields of study or research projects with the support of U.S.-based institutions, professors, and research facilities. In addition to academic learning, students are often exposed to cultural activities, networking events, and workshops that help them understand the United States better and build international relationships. Many fellowships encourage recipients to share their culture with American counterparts, fostering a truly mutual exchange of ideas and traditions.
A key benefit of these fellowships is the chance to work with leading experts, access state-of-the-art resources, and gain hands-on experience. For those pursuing research, the facilities and resources available in the U.S. are often unparalleled, allowing fellows to undertake ambitious projects that may not be possible in their home countries. This level of support can also pave the way for international students to make substantial contributions to global issues, from healthcare innovations to sustainable development.
Furthermore, USA fellowships often emphasize the role of participants as ambassadors for their home countries. By fostering cross-cultural understanding, fellows not only enrich the American academic landscape but also become part of a larger mission to build bridges between nations. After completing their fellowships, many return home to apply what they’ve learned, contribute to their communities, and sometimes even influence policies that benefit society as a whole. Others may continue their careers in the U.S., bridging their international experience with local opportunities, though they are often encouraged to maintain a connection with their home country.
In essence, the USA Fellowship for International Students is more than a financial grant; it is a gateway to academic advancement, personal growth, and cross-cultural exchange. It creates leaders who are equipped to contribute to the global community and who carry with them not only advanced knowledge but also friendships and insights that can transcend borders. For many, this experience becomes a defining chapter in their lives, shaping their professional and personal journeys in ways that resonate far beyond their time in the United States.
আরও পড়ুন
― সরকারি চাকুরির বিজ্ঞপ্তি দেখুন
― চাকুরির পরীক্ষার রুটিন ও ফলাফল জানুন
― নতুন পুরাতন পণ্য বেচা-কেনা করুন
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