Code: | SL53K 182 |
Tender/EOI Name: |
Bangladesh Railway Tender 2024 |
Tender/EOI Description: | Bangladesh Railway Tender 2024 Invitation for e-Tender Notice
Tender Closing & Opening Date : 25 April 2024

What is the procedure to get the Bangladesh Railway tender?
According to google, To participate in tenders issued by Bangladesh Railway, interested parties typically need to follow a standardized procedure. Here’s a general outline of the steps involved:
1. **Registration:**
– Interested contractors or suppliers must register with Bangladesh Railway to be eligible to participate in tenders. Registration requirements may vary based on the specific category of work or goods/services being procured.
2. **Tender Notification:**
– Bangladesh Railway issues tender notices through various channels, including its official website, local newspapers, and the government’s electronic procurement portal (e-GP). Interested parties should regularly monitor these platforms for tender announcements relevant to their areas of expertise.
3. **Obtaining Tender Documents:**
– Once a tender notice is issued, interested parties must obtain the tender documents, which typically include detailed instructions, specifications, terms and conditions, and evaluation criteria for the procurement. These documents may be available for purchase or download from Bangladesh Railway’s designated offices or online portals.
4. **Pre-Bid Meeting (if applicable):**
– Bangladesh Railway may organize pre-bid meetings to provide clarification on the tender requirements and address any queries raised by prospective bidders. Attendance at these meetings may be mandatory or optional, depending on the specific tender.
5. **Bid Preparation:**
– Prospective bidders must carefully review the tender documents and prepare their bids accordingly. This involves understanding the scope of work, preparing cost estimates, providing necessary documentation (such as financial statements, technical specifications, and compliance certificates), and completing any required forms.
6. **Submission of Bids:**
– Bidders must submit their completed bid documents within the specified deadline, along with any required bid security or earnest money deposit. The submission process may involve delivering the bids in person to a designated office or submitting them electronically through the e-GP portal, if applicable.
7. **Bid Opening:**
– After the bid submission deadline expires, Bangladesh Railway conducts a public bid opening session to transparently evaluate and open the received bids. The bid opening date, time, and location are typically specified in the tender documents and may be open to all interested parties.
8. **Bid Evaluation and Award:**
– A bid evaluation committee appointed by Bangladesh Railway assesses the submitted bids based on predefined evaluation criteria, which may include factors such as technical competence, price competitiveness, and compliance with tender requirements. Once the evaluation process is complete, the contract is awarded to the successful bidder(s) based on the best value-for-money principle.
9. **Contract Execution:**
– Upon the selection of the winning bidder, Bangladesh Railway enters into a formal contract with the successful bidder(s) to commence the project or supply of goods/services. The contract outlines the terms, conditions, deliverables, and timelines agreed upon by both parties.
10. **Project Implementation:**
– The awarded contractor or supplier is responsible for executing the project or delivering the goods/services in accordance with the terms of the contract. Bangladesh Railway may provide oversight and monitoring throughout the project implementation phase to ensure compliance with contractual obligations.
It’s essential for prospective bidders to carefully review all tender documents, comply with the specified procedures, and submit their bids in a timely manner to maximize their chances of success in securing contracts with Bangladesh Railway.
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আরো পড়ুন
―ক্যারিয়ার আলোচনা
―পছন্দের চাকুরি খুঁজুন
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