BEPZA Public School & College, Chattogram EPZ Tender Notice 2024

Code: SL54K 454

Tender/EOI Name:

BEPZA Public School & College, Chattogram EPZ Tender 2024

Tender/EOI Description:  BEPZA Public School & College, Chattogram EPZ Tender 2024 Invitation for Tender Notice

Tender Selling Date : 03 June 2024

Tender Submission/Closing & Opening Date: 04 June 2024



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What is the procedure to get the Chattogram City Corporation tender?

According to google, To obtain a tender for Public School & College, Chattogram EPZ (Export Processing Zone), you need to follow a series of steps that are typically involved in the public tendering process in Bangladesh. Here’s a general guide:

1. **Tender Announcement**
– **Notification**: Look for tender announcements. These are usually published in national newspapers, on the institution’s official website, or on government procurement portals like the e-Government Procurement (e-GP) system.
– **Advertisement**: Tenders may also be advertised on bulletin boards at the school and college, or within the EPZ.

 2. **Tender Document Collection**
– **Availability**: Tender documents can be collected from the administration office of Public School & College, Chattogram EPZ or downloaded from their official website if available.
– **Payment**: A non-refundable fee may be required to purchase the tender documents. This fee is usually mentioned in the tender notice.

 3. **Eligibility Criteria**
– **Review**: Thoroughly review the eligibility criteria mentioned in the tender documents. This may include requirements such as company registration, previous experience, financial stability, and technical capability.
– **Documents**: Prepare all necessary documents that prove your eligibility, such as business licenses, tax clearance certificates, bank statements, and previous work experience records.

4. **Bid Preparation**
– **Technical Proposal**: Prepare a technical proposal that outlines how you will meet the requirements and specifications of the tender.
– **Financial Proposal**: Prepare a financial proposal that includes a detailed cost breakdown.
– **Compliance**: Ensure that both proposals comply with the guidelines and format specified in the tender documents.

5. **Submission of Tender**
– **Format**: Follow the specific submission guidelines, which may include the format, number of copies, and sealing instructions.
– **Deadline**: Submit your bid before the deadline. Late submissions are usually not accepted.
– **Delivery**: Tenders can often be submitted in person at the designated office or sent via postal service, depending on the instructions.

6. **Bid Opening**
– **Public Opening**: Bids are typically opened in a public session where bidders may attend.
– **Evaluation**: The institution’s tender committee will evaluate the bids based on predefined criteria, which can include both technical and financial aspects.

7. **Award of Contract**
– **Notification**: The successful bidder will be notified through an official letter.
– **Contract Signing**: The contract will be signed between the successful bidder and Public School & College, Chattogram EPZ.
– **Performance Guarantee**: The winning bidder may need to provide a performance guarantee or bond as per the tender requirements.

8. **Implementation**
– **Execution**: Begin work as per the terms and conditions outlined in the contract.
– **Compliance**: Ensure compliance with all contractual obligations, timelines, and quality standards.

Key Tips:
– **Stay Updated**: Regularly check relevant sources for new tenders and updates.
– **Attention to Detail**: Carefully read and follow all instructions in the tender documents.
– **Professionalism**: Present your bid professionally and ensure all required documents are complete and properly formatted.

For specific details or additional queries, you can contact the administration office of Public School & College, Chattogram EPZ directly.

You can see these Tender/EOI posts also on our Facebook.



আরো পড়ুন

―ক্যারিয়ার আলোচনা
―পছন্দের চাকুরি খুঁজুন

― নতুন পুরাতন পণ্য কিনুন 

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