Eastern Cables Limited Tender Notice 2024

Code: SL55K 236

Tender/EOI Name:

Eastern Cables Limited Tender 2024

Tender/EOI Description:  Eastern Cables Limited Tender 2024 Invitation for e-Tender Notice

Tender Selling & Closing Date : 24 June 2024


Eastern Cables Limited
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What is the procedure to get the Dhaka South City Corporation tender?

According to google,  

To participate in a tender process for Eastern Cables Limited, a company based in Bangladesh, you need to follow a series of steps to ensure you meet all requirements and successfully submit your bid. Here’s a general overview of the procedure:

1. Monitor Tender Announcements

  • Official Website: Regularly check the official website of Eastern Cables Limited for tender announcements.
  • Newspapers and Trade Publications: Look for tender notices in major newspapers and relevant trade publications.
  • Government Portals: Check the Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) of Bangladesh for public tenders.

2. Obtain Tender Documents

  • Tender Notice: Read the tender notice carefully to understand the requirements and specifications.
  • Tender Collection: Collect the tender documents from the specified location, often the company’s office or an online portal if available. There may be a fee for obtaining these documents.

3. Understand the Requirements

  • Eligibility Criteria: Ensure that your company meets the eligibility criteria specified in the tender documents (e.g., financial stability, past experience, technical capacity).
  • Specifications and Scope: Thoroughly review the technical specifications and scope of work.
  • Compliance: Make sure your bid complies with all terms and conditions.

4. Prepare Your Bid

  • Documentation: Prepare all required documents, which typically include:
    • Company profile
    • Financial statements
    • Past project experience
    • Technical proposal
    • Price bid
    • Bid security or earnest money deposit (if required)
  • Technical Proposal: Detail how you intend to meet the technical specifications and project requirements.
  • Financial Proposal: Provide a clear and competitive pricing structure.

5. Submit Bid

  • Format: Follow the format specified in the tender documents for submitting your bid.
  • Sealed Bids: Ensure your bid is sealed properly if a physical submission is required.
  • Deadline: Submit your bid before the deadline. Late submissions are typically not accepted.

6. Bid Opening

  • Attend Opening: If the tender opening is public, you may attend to observe the process.
  • Evaluation: The bids will be evaluated based on the criteria set out in the tender documents.

7. Post-Submission

  • Clarifications: Respond promptly if any clarifications are requested by Eastern Cables Limited.
  • Award Notification: If your bid is successful, you will receive a notification of award.
  • Contract Signing: Sign the contract and provide any required performance guarantees or bonds.

8. Compliance and Execution

  • Adhere to Terms: Ensure that you adhere to all terms of the contract during the execution of the project.
  • Regular Updates: Provide regular updates and reports as required by Eastern Cables Limited.

Tips for Success

  • Stay Informed: Regularly check for updates or addendums to the tender documents.
  • Bid Preparation: Allocate sufficient time and resources for preparing a comprehensive and competitive bid.
  • Professional Assistance: Consider hiring professional consultants if needed to help with bid preparation and submission.

By following these steps, you can effectively participate in the tender process for Eastern Cables Limited and increase your chances of securing a contract.

You can see these Tender/EOI posts also on our Facebook.

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আরো পড়ুন

―ক্যারিয়ার আলোচনা
―পছন্দের চাকুরি খুঁজুন

― নতুন পুরাতন পণ্য কিনুন 

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