Eastern Refinery Limited Tender Notice 2024

Code: SL55K 556

Tender/EOI Name:

Eastern Refinery Limited Tender 2024

Tender/EOI Description:  Eastern Refinery Limited Tender 2024 Invitation for e-Tender Notice

Tender Selling Date : 24 June and 07, 08 July 2024

Tender Closing & Opening Date : 24 & 25 June, 08, 09 July 2024


Eastern Refinery Limited
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What is the procedure to get the Eastern Refinery Limited tender?

According to google, To obtain a tender from Eastern Refinery Limited (ERL) in Bangladesh, you need to follow a structured procedure. Here are the general steps to guide you through the process:

1. Stay Informed about Tender Announcements

ERL publishes its tender notices in national newspapers and on its official website. Regularly check these sources for new tender announcements.

2. Review Tender Documents

Once a tender is announced, download or obtain the tender documents. These documents provide detailed information about the requirements, specifications, and submission guidelines.

3. Eligibility Criteria

Ensure that your company meets the eligibility criteria outlined in the tender documents. This typically includes having relevant experience, financial stability, and necessary certifications.

4. Purchase Tender Documents

Some tenders require the purchase of tender documents. Visit ERL’s designated office to buy these documents within the specified period.

5. Prepare Your Bid

Prepare your bid according to the instructions provided in the tender documents. This usually includes:

  • Technical Proposal: Detailed description of how you will meet the project requirements.
  • Financial Proposal: Detailed cost breakdown and pricing.
  • Required Certifications and Documents: Proof of eligibility, experience, financial statements, etc.

6. Attend Pre-Bid Meetings (if applicable)

ERL may hold pre-bid meetings to clarify any questions regarding the tender. Attend these meetings to gain a better understanding of the requirements and to resolve any uncertainties.

7. Submit Your Bid

Submit your completed bid by the specified deadline. Ensure that all documents are properly sealed and labeled as per the instructions. Late submissions are usually not accepted.

8. Bid Opening

Bids are typically opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives. Attend the bid opening session to ensure transparency and to understand the competition.

9. Evaluation

ERL will evaluate the bids based on the criteria outlined in the tender documents. This process may include technical evaluation, financial evaluation, and possibly a negotiation phase.

10. Award of Contract

The contract is awarded to the bidder who meets all the requirements and offers the best value. ERL will issue a notification of award and proceed with contract signing.

11. Post-Award Compliance

After winning the tender, ensure compliance with all contractual obligations, including timelines, quality standards, and reporting requirements.

Contact Information

For specific details and assistance, you may contact ERL’s procurement department directly. Visit their official website or office for precise information and updates.

By following these steps meticulously, you can enhance your chances of successfully obtaining a tender from Eastern Refinery Limited.

You can see these Tender/EOI posts also on our Facebook.

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আরো পড়ুন

―ক্যারিয়ার আলোচনা
―পছন্দের চাকুরি খুঁজুন

― নতুন পুরাতন পণ্য কিনুন 

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