SL58K 196
Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies Admission Open for 3rd Batch (Session: 2023-24)

State University of Bangladesh Admission full description:
According to Google, The Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) is a prominent public research institute in Bangladesh that focuses on development economics and policy analysis. Established in 1957 as the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) in Karachi, it was later relocated to Dhaka following Bangladesh’s independence in 1971 and renamed BIDS.
Key Functions and Objectives:
- Research: BIDS conducts extensive research on a wide range of topics related to economic development, poverty, inequality, education, health, environment, governance, and more. Its research provides policy recommendations to the government and other stakeholders.
- Policy Support: The institute is often consulted by the government of Bangladesh for advice on formulating development policies and strategies. Its expertise plays a vital role in shaping national development agendas.
- Publications: BIDS publishes various working papers, reports, and books. One of its most well-known publications is the Bangladesh Development Studies journal, which covers socio-economic issues relevant to the country and the wider South Asian region.
- Capacity Building: BIDS organizes seminars, workshops, and training programs to build capacity in the areas of economics, statistics, and policy research. It provides a platform for academics, policymakers, and professionals to exchange knowledge and ideas.
- Collaboration: The institute collaborates with international organizations such as the World Bank, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and other development agencies, contributing to global discussions on development challenges.
BIDS is crucial to understanding the socio-economic landscape of Bangladesh. Its research has a significant influence on national planning and the evaluation of development programs, ensuring that evidence-based policymaking is integrated into the country’s growth strategies.
Through its work, BIDS helps to address pressing challenges like poverty alleviation, economic inequality, and sustainable development, making it a cornerstone of Bangladesh’s development efforts.
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আরও পড়ুন
― চাকুরি পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি নিন
― চাকুরির পরীক্ষার রুটিন ও ফলাফল জানুন
― নতুন পুরাতন পণ্য বেচা-কেনা করুন
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