Eastern Cables Limited Tender Notice 2024

Code: SL57K 786

Tender/EOI Name:

Eastern Cables Limited Tender 2024

Tender/EOI Description:  Eastern Cables Limited Tender 2024 Invitation for Tender Notice.                    i) If the tender is not opened on time due to unavoidable reasons, it will be opened on the next working day. ii) The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders with- out showing any reason.

Tender Selling Date : 28 August 2024

Tender Closing & Opening Date : 29 August 2024 


What is the procedure to get the Eastern Cables Limited tender?

According to google, To obtain a tender from Eastern Cables Limited (a Bangladeshi company known for manufacturing various types of cables), you’ll need to follow a series of steps. The process generally involves:

1. Monitoring Tender Announcements:

  • Official Website: Regularly check the official website of Eastern Cables Limited or the Bangladesh Steel & Engineering Corporation (BSEC), the parent company, for any tender notices.
  • Newspapers & Online Platforms: Tenders are often advertised in leading newspapers and on various tender notification websites like e-GP (Electronic Government Procurement) of Bangladesh.
  • e-GP Portal: Many government-associated companies, including Eastern Cables Limited, publish tenders on the e-GP portal. Registering on this platform will help you stay informed about relevant tenders.

2. Reviewing Tender Documents:

  • Once a tender is announced, download or purchase the tender documents. These documents will provide detailed information, including the scope of work, technical specifications, eligibility criteria, and submission deadlines.

3. Eligibility Check:

  • Ensure your company meets all the eligibility criteria mentioned in the tender documents. These criteria may include past experience, financial stability, technical capability, and certifications.

4. Preparation of Tender Documents:

  • Technical Proposal: Prepare a technical proposal that meets all the requirements outlined in the tender documents.
  • Financial Proposal: Prepare a detailed financial proposal, including a breakdown of costs.
  • Supporting Documents: Attach all necessary supporting documents, such as company registration, VAT/TIN certificates, past project experience, and any other required certifications.

5. Submission of Tender:

  • Online Submission: If the tender is listed on the e-GP portal, you will need to submit your bid online.
  • Physical Submission: For tenders that require physical submission, prepare the required number of copies of your proposal and submit them to the address mentioned in the tender notice before the deadline.

6. Bid Security:

  • Most tenders require a bid security (earnest money deposit), which is usually a percentage of the total bid amount. This must be submitted along with the tender documents, either in the form of a bank guarantee or a pay order.

7. Attend Pre-Bid Meetings (if applicable):

  • Some tenders might include a pre-bid meeting where potential bidders can ask questions and get clarifications on the tender. Attend these meetings if they are scheduled.

8. Evaluation & Award:

  • After submission, Eastern Cables Limited will evaluate all bids based on technical and financial criteria. If your bid is successful, you will receive a Letter of Intent (LOI) or contract award notification.

9. Contract Signing:

  • Upon receiving the LOI, you will be required to sign the contract, submit the performance guarantee, and begin work according to the agreed terms.

10. Execution of Work:

  • Execute the work as per the contract’s terms and conditions, ensuring compliance with all specifications and deadlines.

11. Payment:

  • Upon successful completion of the work, submit the necessary documents to claim payment as per the contract terms.

Make sure to adhere to all deadlines and requirements, as non-compliance can result in disqualification.

You can see these Tender/EOI posts also on our Facebook.

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আরো পড়ুন

―ক্যারিয়ার আলোচনা
―পছন্দের চাকুরি খুঁজুন

― নতুন পুরাতন পণ্য কিনুন 

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