LGED Tender Notice 2024

Code: SF53K 998

Tender/EOI Name:

LGED Tender 2024

Tender/EOI Description:  LGED e-Tender 2024 Invitation for e-Tender Notice

Opening  Date : 11  June  2024

Last Selling Date : 11 June  2024






LGED Tender 2024
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What is the procedure to get LGED Bangladesh tender?

Obtaining a tender from the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) in Bangladesh involves a series of structured steps. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you through the process:

1. **Tender Announcement**:
– **Monitoring**: Regularly check tender notices published on the LGED official website, the e-GP (Electronic Government Procurement) portal, and in national newspapers.
– **Notifications**: Subscribe to tender notification services or regularly visit the CPTU (Central Procurement Technical Unit) website for updates.

2. **Tender Documents Collection**:
– **e-GP Portal**: Most LGED tenders are available for download from the e-GP portal. Ensure you have an active account on the portal to access and download the tender documents.
– **Office Visit**: Alternatively, you can visit the LGED office to collect the documents if specified in the tender notice.

3. **Review Tender Requirements**:
– **Eligibility Criteria**: Carefully read the eligibility criteria to ensure your company meets all the requirements such as experience, financial capacity, and technical expertise.
– **Specifications**: Review the technical specifications, scope of work, and any special conditions mentioned in the tender documents.

4. **Prepare Bid**:
– **Technical Proposal**: Develop a detailed technical proposal including your methodology, work plan, timeline, and technical qualifications.
– **Financial Proposal**: Prepare a comprehensive financial proposal that includes a detailed cost breakdown as required by the tender documents.
– **Supporting Documents**: Compile all necessary supporting documents such as company registration, tax clearance certificates, past project experience, and any other documents specified.

5. **Bid Submission**:
– **e-GP Submission**: Submit your bid through the e-GP portal. Ensure all documents are uploaded in the correct format and the submission is completed before the deadline.
– **Manual Submission**: If the tender specifies manual submission, prepare your bid in sealed envelopes and submit it to the designated address on time.

6. **Bid Opening**:
– **e-GP Opening**: For electronic submissions, the bid opening will be conducted online, and results will be available on the e-GP portal.
– **Public Session**: If manual, attend the bid opening session if it is open to bidders, where all bids will be opened and recorded by the tender committee.

7. **Evaluation Process**:
– **Technical Evaluation**: The tender committee will first assess the technical aspects of each bid. Bids that meet the technical criteria will proceed to the financial evaluation.
– **Financial Evaluation**: Financial proposals are then evaluated to determine the most competitive and compliant bid.

8. **Award of Contract**:
– **Notification**: If your bid is successful, you will be notified of the award.
– **Contract Agreement**: You will need to sign a contract with LGED, which may include providing a performance security or bond as required.

9. **Project Execution**:
– **Implementation**: Start the project as per the contract terms, adhering to all specifications, timelines, and quality standards.
– **Regular Reporting**: Maintain regular communication with LGED for progress updates, inspections, and approvals.

10. **Completion and Finalization**:
– **Final Reports**: Submit all final reports and necessary documentation upon project completion.
– **Inspection and Payment**: LGED will conduct a final inspection, and upon satisfactory completion, process the final payment as per the contract terms.

By following these steps diligently and ensuring full compliance with the tender requirements, you can effectively compete for and secure tenders from LGED in Bangladesh.

You can see these Tender/EOI posts also on our Facebook.

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আরো পড়ুন

―ক্যারিয়ার আলোচনা
―পছন্দের চাকুরি খুঁজুন

― নতুন পুরাতন পণ্য কিনুন 

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