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➪ Job Circular Ad

Job Circular Ad Services refer to the process of creating effective job advertisements and attracting qualified candidates to apply for open positions on behalf of an employer. We offer these services to businesses and organizations of all sizes and industries to help them find the best talent to fill their job openings.

To create a job Ad, we will typically begin by gathering information from the employer about the position, including the job responsibilities, required qualifications, and any specific skills or experience needed. They may also ask about the company culture and values to ensure that the job ad accurately reflects the organization’s ethos.

➪ Recruitment, Talent Sourcing, & Headhunting (Paid/Non-Paid)

Talent sourcing and headhunting are two recruitment strategies used by companies to find qualified candidates for open positions. Both methods involve actively seeking out potential candidates rather than waiting for them to apply for a job.

Talent sourcing refers to the process of identifying and attracting potential candidates who may not be actively looking for a job but have the skills and qualifications necessary to fill a specific position. This can include searching through online databases, social media, and professional networks to find potential candidates who match the job requirements. Talent sourcing can be done on a paid or non-paid basis, depending on the resources available and the scope of the search.

Headhunting, on the other hand, is a more targeted approach to recruitment that involves actively seeking out and approaching specific individuals who are currently employed and may not be actively looking for a job. This requires a more personalized approach and often involves contacting potential candidates directly to gauge their interest in the job opportunity. Headhunting can be done on a paid or non-paid basis, depending on the resources available and the scope of the search.

Paid talent sourcing and headhunting services are typically offered by us which specialize in finding top talent for specific industries or job roles. These services involve a fee or commission, which is typically based on the level of difficulty involved in finding the right candidate and the level of compensation for the position.

Non-paid talent sourcing and headhunting can be done in-house by companies themselves, using their own resources and networks to identify potential candidates. This can involve leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn, attending industry events and conferences, and reaching out to personal and professional networks to find potential candidates.

➪ Job Placement & Professional Training

Job placement and professional training are two important services offered by us to help job seekers find suitable employment and improve their skills and qualifications.

Job placement services involve matching job seekers with open positions that fit their skills, qualifications, and career goals. We work with employers to understand their staffing needs and job requirements and then identify potential candidates who may be a good fit for the job. They may also provide job seekers with resume and cover letter writing assistance, interview coaching, and career counseling to help them present themselves in the best possible light and increase their chances of being hired.

Professional training services, on the other hand, focus on improving job seekers’ skills and qualifications to make them more competitive in the job market. We offer a variety of training programs, including technical training in specific job skills, soft skills training in areas like communication and teamwork, and leadership development programs for more experienced professionals.

Professional training programs can be especially beneficial for job seekers who are looking to switch careers, enter a new field, or advance their careers. By improving their skills and qualifications, job seekers can increase their marketability and open up new opportunities for themselves in the job market.

We also offer job placement and professional training services to employers as part of a larger workforce development strategy. This can involve working with businesses to identify skills gaps and training needs within their workforce and then developing customized training programs to address these needs.

➪ Writing Service
    –Professional ( ATS friendly) Resume & CV
    –Modern (Info-graphic) Resume & CV
    –Professional Cover letter
    –Assignment, Term Paper, Thesis ( Intern) & Report

As a recruitment agency, our goal is to help job seekers find their dream jobs and assist employers in finding the best candidates for their open positions. To achieve this, we offer a range of services, including professional resume and CV writing, modern infographic resume and CV design, professional cover letter writing, and academic writing services.

Our professional resume and CV writing services are designed to help job seekers create high-quality documents that effectively showcase their skills, qualifications, and experience. We work with job seekers to understand their career goals and tailor their resumes and CVs accordingly. Our writers are experts in applicant tracking systems (ATS) and ensure that each document is optimized for these systems, increasing the chances of being noticed by potential employers.

We also offer modern infographic resume and CV design services, which use visual elements to make job seekers stand out from the competition. These visually appealing documents can be especially effective for creative professions like graphic design or marketing, where presentation skills are highly valued.

Our professional cover letter writing services help job seekers create customized letters that introduce them to potential employers and highlight their qualifications and experience. We work closely with job seekers to understand the specific requirements of each job and tailor their letters accordingly. Our cover letters are designed to demonstrate enthusiasm for the job and stand out from other applicants.

In addition to job-related writing services, we also offer academic writing services such as assignments, term papers, theses, and reports. These services can be especially beneficial for students or recent graduates who need assistance with academic writing or who are struggling to balance their academic work with job search activities.

Overall, our writing services are designed to help job seekers increase their chances of landing their desired jobs and employers find the best candidates for their open positions. We pride ourselves on our professional, high-quality documents that are tailored to the unique needs of each job seeker and employer.

➪ Business Process & Model Preparation

Our “Business Process & Model Preparation” service is designed to help our clients streamline their recruitment process, attract top talent, and ultimately achieve their business goals. We understand that every business is unique, and therefore, we take a customized approach to developing a recruitment process that is tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

Our team of experienced recruitment professionals begins by assessing the current recruitment process of our client’s organization. We identify areas for improvement, analyze revenue streams, and expenses to create a business model that maximizes profitability while delivering high-quality recruitment services.

Based on this assessment, we work collaboratively with our clients to develop a customized recruitment process that is designed to attract top talent, efficiently screen candidates, and ultimately result in successful placements. Our goal is to help our clients gain a competitive advantage in their industry by delivering high-quality candidates that meet their specific requirements.

Throughout the recruitment process, we maintain clear communication with all stakeholders, including our clients, candidates, and internal staff. We set clear expectations for response times, interview scheduling, and establish a transparent pricing structure for our services.

We continuously evaluate and optimize the recruitment process, identifying areas for improvement and making necessary changes to ensure that our clients are delivering maximum value to their organization. Our team leverages the latest recruitment technology to streamline operations and save time and resources for our clients.

➪ Profile Developments Service
    — Bdjobs & LinkedIn

Our “Profile Developments Service – Bdjobs & LinkedIn” is designed to help our clients enhance their online presence and improve their chances of being noticed by top recruiters. With an increasing number of employers relying on online platforms to recruit candidates, having a strong profile on sites like Bdjobs and LinkedIn is essential for job seekers looking to advance their careers.

Our team of experienced recruitment professionals provides a comprehensive profile development service that helps our clients create a compelling online presence. We work with our clients to create a professional profile that showcases their skills, experience, and achievements. This includes optimizing the profile’s headline, summary, work experience, and education sections to ensure they are aligned with the job seekers’ target roles.

Our Profile Development Service includes:

  1. Analysis and optimization of the current profile: We review the current profile of our clients and provide suggestions for improvement. We optimize the profile headline, summary, and work experience sections to make them more attractive to potential employers.
  2. Creation of a customized profile: Our team creates a customized profile for our clients, which includes all relevant information about their skills, experience, and education. We work closely with our clients to highlight their unique strengths and achievements in a compelling manner.
  3. Keyword optimization: We optimize our clients’ profiles with industry-relevant keywords, making it easier for recruiters to find them when searching for candidates.
  4. Continuous support and updates: Our team provides ongoing support to our clients, helping them to make updates to their profile as needed. We also offer guidance on best practices for maintaining a professional and engaging online presence.

Our Profile Developments Service is designed to help job seekers stand out from the competition and get noticed by top recruiters on platforms like Bdjobs and LinkedIn. By optimizing the profile, highlighting relevant skills and experience, and using industry-specific keywords, we help our clients attract more attention and increase their chances of securing their dream job.

➪ Instructor – Email & Interview Etiquette, Career

Our “Instructor – Email & Interview Etiquette, Career” service is designed to help job seekers improve their communication skills, enhance their professionalism, and increase their chances of landing their dream job. Effective communication and etiquette are crucial in today’s competitive job market, and we believe that our clients’ success is closely tied to their ability to communicate effectively.

Our team of experienced recruitment professionals provides customized training programs that focus on improving our clients’ email and interview etiquette. Our training program covers essential topics such as email writing, communication etiquette, and interview preparation. We help our clients understand the importance of effective communication and teach them best practices to make sure their emails and interviews are professional, concise, and engaging.

Our Instructor – Email & Interview Etiquette, Career service includes:

  1. Email Writing: We teach our clients how to write professional, engaging, and effective emails. We help them understand the importance of tone, language, and structure and provide guidance on how to make a lasting impression with their emails.
  2. Communication Etiquette: We teach our clients best practices for communicating professionally in various situations, including phone calls, video calls, and in-person meetings. We cover essential topics such as body language, active listening, and building rapport.
  3. Interview Preparation: We help our clients prepare for job interviews by teaching them how to research companies, anticipate interview questions, and showcase their skills and experience effectively. We also cover techniques for handling common interview challenges such as nervousness and difficult questions.

Our training program is highly customized, and we work closely with our clients to ensure that they receive personalized instruction that is tailored to their specific needs. Our team of experienced trainers is dedicated to helping our clients build the skills and confidence they need to excel in the job market.