New Job at Hazrat Shahmir Auliya (Rahd) Sunniya Dakhil Madrasa | Madrasa Teacher Job Circular 2024

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Hazrat Shahmir Auliya (Rahd) Sunniya Dakhil Madrasa – Madrasa Teacher Job Circular 2024 Details:

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Code: IA53K 356

Hazrat Shahmir Auliya (Rahd) Sunniya Dakhil Madrasa

Post Name: Hafez /Teacher
Job Location: Chattogram
No. of Vacancies: 3
Job Type: Full time
Job Category: Education / Training
Gender: Male
Age Limitation :
Educational Qualifications: Alim/Fazil Pass
Experience Requirements:
Apply Procedure: Candidates are invited to submit their resumes to the address mentioned in the picture.
Application Deadline: 27 April, 2024
Madrasa Teacher Job Circular 2024
Job Image Source: Dainik Azadi

Apply Procedure:

Candidates are invited to submit their resumes to the address mentioned in the picture.

What is Hafez? What are the responsibilities of this position? What requirements are needed to get this job? and What is the benefit of this position in career?

According to Google, In the bustling streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh, where the sounds of rickshaws mingling with the calls of street vendors create a symphony of urban life, there exists a unique profession known as the “Hafez Job.” This specialized role carries profound cultural significance, intertwined with tradition, spirituality, and community.

The title “Hafez” is derived from the Arabic word for “memorizer” or “guardian,” and in Bangladesh, it refers to individuals who have committed the entire Quran to memory. Beyond mere recitation, a Hafez embodies the essence of Islamic spirituality, serving as a custodian of sacred knowledge and a beacon of guidance for the community.

A Hafez job encompasses various responsibilities that extend far beyond the confines of a typical career. Primarily, the Hafez is tasked with leading congregational prayers, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan when devout Muslims gather in mosques for nightly Taraweeh prayers. Their melodious recitations, infused with reverence and piety, resonate deeply with the faithful, fostering an atmosphere of spiritual reflection and devotion.

Moreover, the Hafez plays a vital role in religious education and outreach within the community. They often teach Quranic studies to children and adults alike, imparting not only the words of the scripture but also the values of compassion, humility, and integrity that underpin Islamic teachings. In a society where faith serves as a cornerstone of identity, the Hafez serves as a revered figure, guiding individuals on their spiritual journey and fostering a sense of unity and belonging.

To embark on the path of becoming a Hafez, one must possess not only a profound dedication to memorization but also a deep understanding of the Quranic text and its interpretations. Typically, individuals begin their journey at a young age, enrolling in specialized Quranic schools where they undergo rigorous training under the guidance of experienced scholars. Patience, discipline, and unwavering commitment are essential qualities for aspiring Hafezes as they navigate the arduous process of memorization, often spending years mastering the intricate verses of the Quran.

While the Hafez job may not offer conventional career benefits in terms of financial remuneration or material wealth, its rewards are of a spiritual nature, enriching the soul and fostering a profound sense of fulfillment. The honor of serving as a spiritual leader within the community, the privilege of preserving and transmitting sacred knowledge, and the opportunity to touch the lives of others through the power of faith are invaluable treasures that far exceed any worldly possessions.

In Bangladesh, where the fabric of society is woven with threads of faith and tradition, the Hafez job occupies a revered position, embodying the timeless wisdom and profound spirituality of Islam. As the call to prayer echoes through the streets, summoning believers to gather in worship, the figure of the Hafez stands as a symbol of continuity, resilience, and devotion—a luminous beacon illuminating the path of the faithful in their journey towards divine enlightenment. ওয়েবসাইটে প্রকাশিত চাকুরির বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে, আবেদন ফি হিসেবে টাকা চাওয়া হয়ে থাকলে, অনুগ্রহ করে উক্ত চাকুরিটি নিজ দায়িত্বে  যাচাই করে নিবেন। গুগল থেকে, প্রতিষ্ঠানের ওয়েবসাইট, ফোন নাম্বার, ঠিকানা ইত্যাদির মাধ্যমে যাচাই করে নিতে পারেন। আমাদের টিম সর্বদা সঠিক এবং নির্ভরযোগ্য  মাধ্যম থেকে নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি  সংগ্রহ করার চেষ্টা করে থাকেন। 

সামাজিক সেবা হিসেবে  আমরা চাকুরি প্রার্থীদের জন্য সর্বদা সর্বশেষ চাকুরির নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করে থাকি, যা’ বিভিন্ন  নির্ভরযোগ্য  উৎস থেকে  সংগ্রহ করা হয়।  এছাড়াও, নিয়োগকর্তারা সরাসরি আমাদের সাইটে একাউন্ট রেজিস্ট্রেশন করার মাধ্যমে তাদের প্রতিষ্ঠানের চাকুরির বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রচার করে থাকেন

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